
Picture of me Curt Harpold, High Performance Computing Specialist Sun Microsystems

How many Microsoft employees does it take to change a light bulb?

Four. One to change it, one to rewire the socket so that Netscape light bulbs won't work in it, one to re-engineer Sun's light bulbs into something unrecognizable (and non-functional), and one to convince the justice department that all Microsoft light bulbs are conforming to anti-trust laws.

If you were using a Java-Enabled Browser, you would see a collection of my underwater photos. Here's a sample.


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Sun employees should use my Sun Internal Home Page.

Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation
7900 Westpark Drive, Suite A110
McLean Virginia 22102

Click for Washington, DC Forecast

[Stock Quote]

Email: curt.harpold@east.sun.com
Phone: 703-204-4840 (x24840)
PGP Public Key: To obtain my Public Key, send email to key@PublicKey.com, with my email address as the body of the message.
Key Fingerprint: 3B E6 58 AA BA 75 B1 14 95 B9 B9 B7 F6 56 67 7D
Geek Code:
Version: 3.12
GCS/E/IT/MU/PA/S d++@ s--:+ a+>+++ C++$ UBS++(++++)$ P+ L+ E---
W++ N++ o++ K+-- w--- O- M++ V- PS+ PE Y+(++) PGP+ t+ 5 X++
R+++(-) tv+ b+++ Dl+++$ D+ G++ e* h--- r++ y++


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